LUV Systems, Inc. Completes Testing for the halō Indoor Air Disinfection System Design

GARDENA, CA (18 December 2020) - LUV SYSTEMS, INC. has completed final spectroscopy and airflow aerodynamic testing for the halō Model 5R/M air disinfection system prototype for occupied indoor spaces. the halō is the first of multiple low-wavelength ultraviolet (low-UVC) disinfection products by LUV Systems. The measurements were taken by independent, third-party firms including The Earthineering Company and JMTECH. The patent-pending Model 5R/M has a fan and LUVTM light ring, which together “draw your breath up and away” in a room’s breathing zone, expose it to low-UVC lights, and return clean air back to the breathing zone in a room. LUV Systems products are:
- PROVEN against Covid-19 and most pathogens;
- SAFE for people and pets in occupied spaces; and,
- AFFORDABLE for personal/commercial markets
According to Dr. Kevin Hickerson, Principal at Earthineering, “the halō Model 5R/M performed as designed, ensuring the necessary UVC dose to effectively achieve the target kill rate for the Covid-19 virus.”
Next steps, according to Anu Sood, Principal, include “results from the Boston University research on Covid-19 with our Model 5R/M lamp fixtures. We are now set with our four design parameters - cone of influence in the breathing zone, equivalent air changes per hour for a 10,000 ft3 indoor space, spectral dose, and residence time for effective disinfection.” Danish Khatri, Principal Engineer, adds, “we’re thrilled that our independent testing validated our theoretical calculations, and we look forward to continued testing and validation.”
Neeraj Chaudhary, Business Analyst, notes that LUV Systems products offer “affordable consumer and commercial products to accelerate the safe reopening of economies, while providing necessary peace of mind as people return to a state of normal in homes, offices, schools, retail and entertainment establishments, and transportation systems.”
Sood is encouraged by progress to date, including “patent applications and actions, lab research on real-world surfaces with the halō light fixture and low-UVC inactivation of SARS-CoV-2, dose calculation, prototype validation testing, and sourcing and production contracts.” For indoor air disinfection, LUV Systems has a proprietary dose algorithm to correlate viral inactivation surface results with indoor air disinfection dose rates.
Ultraviolet disinfection technology has been used for over 100 years in many applications including hospitals, laboratories, and water treatment facilities. LUV Systems products are designed with a 100x safety margin for acceptable exposures as established by FCC for devices such as cell phones.
LUV Systems’ LUVTM product line includes personal and installed devices to disinfect surfaces and air while people are present and conducting their normal activities, without direct human exposure. LUVTM air disinfection products are designed to clear indoor spaces in less than five minutes, which is 3X faster than the CDC’s published 15-minute guideline for indoor air.
LUV Systems products currently incorporate engineering controls such as motion sensors to automatically control and monitor device operation. Future product releases are planned with body temperature, tilt, and distance sensors, plus algorithms including a mobile app.
LUV Systems inventions are designed in America and Sood states “the products can easily be 100% manufactured in the United States. We continue to seek business and governmental partners to continue research and development, secure international patents, and establish a manufacturing and distribution pipeline.”
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