Thank you for the wonderful addition! Our gratitude to you and your team for fresher air!
Assisted Living Facility Operator
Arcadia, California
My responsibility is to protect the people, and look out for their spiritual and physical well being, and, with that in mind, I think the halо̄ is literally a Godsend. We’ll never go back to pre-pandemic normal, but I believe this is a great step towards reaching some normality post-pandemic.
Pastor C.R. Jones
St. Reed Missionary Baptist Church
Los Angeles, California
Customer Recognition:
The City likes to partner with innovative companies if there is a public benefit. the halо̄ air filtration demonstration project is an opportunity to provide improved air quality in a public space.
Mayor Neil Bradshaw
City of Ketchum, Idaho
The User Experience:
I actually did get Covid in August 2021, I believe in a gym. I think if they had fans like the halо̄, that would prevent the spread of disease in a gym setting and many other enclosed places where there's a lot of people. It's a step in the right direction, I'd like to see more of them.
James Pelayo, Director Luxury Estates
Keller William Realty
West Hollywood, California
Scientifically Disinfecting the Breathing Zone
Continuous Protection - Whisper-Quiet and Unobtrusive
Clean and Hygienic is the Future of Healthy Indoor Air
There is simply no better way to protect us all from indoor respiratory infection. Optimal breathing zone control and air circulation, safe and effective disinfection technology.

Delivering 20+ ACHe for a Few $/day
each halō model 5R/M protects indoor areas up to 4,500 square feet

‣ the halō continuously disinfects airborne pathogens by gently uplifting air from the breathing zone of a room; disinfected it in a patented light ring around the fan; and returning clean air to the breathing zone
‣ the halō is safe and effective
‣ No other product or practical strategy compares
‣ the halō is whisper-quiet with imperceptible airflow
‣ operation and maintenance is under $5/day for continuous, 24/7 operation
Figure 10 is adapted from our scientific paper, Preventing Respiratory Infections, that explains and characterizes the science of respiratory cross-infection with practical applicability.

Use Cases




Assisted Living

